Test run with reduced parameters on a sampled dataset
Fitted motif activities as well as calculated activity z-scores and their statistical significance
are stored in a tab-separated formatted (TSV) table.
Rows of this table denote various sequence motifs in specific sliding windows whereas subsequent columns follow the
structure below:
ID : unique ID of a sequence motif in a specific analysis window
activities_{sampleID} : motif activity in the sampleID sample
deltas_{sampleID} : delta of motif activity in the sampleID sample
zscores_{sampleID} : z-score of motif activity in the sampleID sample
combined.Zscore : overall z-score for a given motif, combined over all samples
regions_present_fraction : fraction of sites for which the motif was present in a specific analysis window
region : analysis window ID
motif : motif name
standard_zscores_{sampleID} : standardised z-score of motif activity in the sampleID sample
pval_{sampleID} : standardised p-value of motif activity in the sampleID sample
corr_pval_{sampleID} : p-values corrected for multiple hypothesis testing
combined.standard.Zscore : combined standardised z-scores
max.abs.standard.Zscore : maximum absolute standardised z-score across all samples
significance-marker : statistical significance marker for this motif in this analysis window
Motif count matrices are too storage intensive to provide them as a part of a downloadable MAPP report.
However, you can find them in the following location of your MAPP run: ../modules/KAPAC/output,
unless external pre-computed resources were specified for this specific workflow execution.
In such case, please refer to the pipeline's configuration file and inspect the paths you have provided
under the field: KPC_sitecount_matrices.